Former CBS meteorologist April Moss at Detroit's CBS affiliate WWJ-TV was fired from her job at the station after she went off script during a televised report earlier this week, saying that she will speak to Project Veritas to blow the whistle on the network's culture of discrimination. Moss' interview with Project Veritas was released on Tuesday and in it, she spoke out against how CBS manipulates its viewers with agenda-driven propaganda.
"No longer is true journalism being executed anymore," Moss lamented during the interview. "It is one of the greatest crimes, really, in history right now. Because if we are shaping the American public's mind, then we need to be seeking truth."
The former CBS meteorologist is a wife and mother of four who worked for the company for almost ten years and reported how the corporate office in New York has been "driving decision making without regard for journalistic ethics, or general concern for the public's right to be informed," Project Veritas revealed.
In her interview with Project Veritas CEO James O'Keefe, Moss said that the station was "pressuring employees who opted not to get the vaccine into changing their minds through company-wide messages and emails," calling it a "human rights issue."
According to the former CBS meteorologist, the company is using "power of all of [the] Viacom/CBS brand" to legitimize the COVID vaccine. She went on to describe the network's news practices as "propaganda being pushed on people" and that she and other employees were being discriminated against for their stance on the COVID vaccine. The network was allegedly "segregating coworkers" based on their health assumptions.
Moss showed internal communications at CBS that used the term "vaccine hesitancy," in which they admitted they were "using the power of our brands to encourage viewers to get the vaccine when available." But CBS has fired back and fired her.
"Any suggestion that she was in any way a victim of 'discrimination' due to her concerns about these policies is completely false," a spokesman from CBS 62 Detroit said in a statement, as reported by the Epoch Times. The statement revealed that Moss refused to comply with "WWJ-TV's policies regarding COVID-19 testing and wearing masks inside our station, which are based on CDC, state, and local guidelines."
The spokesperson added that Moss was allowed to work from home in April as they "explored her concerns" and insisted that employees are "not entitled to use our station news broadcasts as a platform for sharing personal views." The spokesman also confirmed that the former CBS meteorologist was also let go from her job.
Moss is the second reporter to speak out against a media giant, as Ivory Hecker did the same with Fox Corp. just last week. Hecker accused FOX News of "muzzling" her and prohibiting her from reporting on hydroxychloroquine as a potential drug for COVID patients. Hecker also spoke to Project Veritas and said that Fox 26 "came at my throat for standing up against censorship."
Moss is now asking for support in this very crucial time for her and her family. Those who want to support her financially or by praying for her and her family can go to www.GiveSendGo.com/SupportApril to do so.