In an exclusive interview conducted by the Christian Broadcasting Network, renowned filmmaker Stephen Kendrick revealed that beyond creating an appreciation for the value of life amidst a society where there is much debate on it, their hope is for churches to champion life.
CBN News interviewed Stephen Kendrick last week in line with his upcoming film, "Lifemark," which he produced with his brother, Alex, and Hollywood actor Kirk Cameron in partnership with Fathom Events. The Kendricks have become an icon in Christian movies through their box office hits like "Fireproof" and "Facing The Giants."
The Christian Post added that the upcoming movie's first look trailer was released last week and it highlights its content as "pro-family, pro-love, and pro-forgiveness." While PR Newswire highlighted that "Lifemark" is highly-anticipated since it will be the first of its kind where the premiere is aired nationally in seven days beginning September 9. The movie is all about hope being "at the heart of every journey" and reminds everyone that "one courageous decision can change everything."
A Filmmaker's Vision To Change A Culture Against Life
According to the broadcasting company, "Lifemark" comes as the American society is heated with debates on the issue of life. A debate that has recently become violent and threatening with the leaked draft opinion on the pending United States Supreme Court decision on Dobbs v. Jackson, which potentially will overturn Roe v. Wade. The broadcasting company highlighted that the Kendricks and Cameron disclosed that the release of Lifemark's powerful story on adoption is no coincidence but a "divine appointment."
Stephen, during the exclusive interview, assured the public that "Lifemark" will entertain them because it is a family-friendly movie. They also anticipate that it will spawn discussions on the value of life and the beauty of adoption, as well as, an appreciation of the journey families go through when choosing to do so. The producer then revealed their biggest hope in coming out with the movie.
"We would love to impact the culture. We would like for the church to again step up to champion life, champion adoption, champion families. We really want discipleship to take preeminence over just overturning Roe v. Wade or helping a girl not choose abortion bigger than helping a girl in crisis pregnancy to get through that moment is if you're not helping her come to know Christ and grow in her relationship with Him, she may be in the same situation a year later," Stephen said.
"The church has to get beyond political debating. We got to get beyond just short-term thinking of we got to overturn a law. Man, let's change the hearts and minds of our nation, and let's do that by introducing them back to what God's truth says because it does set us free," he added.
Also Read: Christian Filmmaker Stephen Kendrick Shares Importance Of Life In Upcoming Film
Stephen explained that dealing with the root issues that led a woman to decide to go for an abortion is more important and lasting than just simply praying for Roe v. Wade to be overturned. He emphasized that this is where the church comes in to introduce these women to Jesus and His Word and help them really live His Words. He then reminded that this is the call of Christ for his believers, which he stressed as a great mission-that is to make disciples of all nations.
In conclusion, Stephen underscored that the Word of Christ is the only thing that will transform the lives of those women for it will give them their purpose and value in life, as well as, help them live their lives for the Glory of God.
The Story That Overturned Roe V. Wade In A Person
The Advocate reported that "Lifemark" is based on the 2018 adoption documentary on David Scotton, "I Lived on Parker Avenue," that was released by the Louisiana Right to Life. David was about to be aborted by his mother, Melissa Coles, when she changed her mind at the very last minute and instead put him for adoption.
Coles was 19 then and had already taken the abortion pill while lying in an Indianapolis abortion clinic where the doctor was already preparing the appliances for the procedure. All of a sudden she said she can't do it and left. She then gave David to the Scotton family of Metairie for adoption. David spoke about his life as an adopted child during a pro-life event, which led to the filming of the short documentary about his life.
Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards offered his mansion for the 2018 documentary's premiere, which has been used by the pro-life organization in its advocacy to choose adoption over abortion since then.
Related Article: Kirk Cameron And Kendrick Brothers Team Up To Produce Film About Adoption