United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) Chair Gayle Manchin and ambassador Samuel Brownback announced the first ever International Religious Freedom Summit happening this year in Washington D.C.
In the midst of a global crisis and geopolitical unrest, faith perseveres. With this comes the first ever 2021 International Religious Freedom Summit, which is officially pushing through this summer at Washington D.C.
The announcement was made by International Religious Freedom Ambassador at Large Sam Brownback and USCIRF Chair Gayle Manchin.

Described as an event that would "bring together a broad coalition that passionately supports religious freedom around the globe," the highly anticipated International Religious Freedom Summit will be held from July 13 to 15 in Washington D.C. and will also feature a virtual option for participation.
The event will "connect resources and advocates interested in religious freedom and highlight the personal testimonies of victims of religious persecutions and restrictions on religious freedom."
In the announcement, the sponsors reported that over 80% of the world's population live in countries where there are increased governmental or societal restrictions on religion. The 2021 International Religious Freedom Summit aims to provide insights on international religious freedom and address violations against religious liberty while providing a support group for those who are being persecuted for their faith.
CBN News reported that up to 40 diverse partners, including Alliance Defending Freedom, BarnabasAid, Bitter Winter, ChinaAid, the Family Research Council, the International Christian Concern, Open Doors, Religious Freedom Institute, the Uyghur Human Rights Project, and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops all support the first International Religious Freedom Summit, which will be a yearly event.
The summit also aims to create a coalition of global organizations that together will push for the cause of religious freedom all over the world, as it raises public awareness and boosts political strengths for the movement. The 2021 International Religious Freedom Summit is very timely as the world faces the challenges of addressing the Chinese Communist Party's continued human rights abuses against the Uyghur communities in Xinjiang, China, as well as its abuses against Christians in the country.
In fact, USCIRF chair Gayle Manchin was recently the subject of sanctions from the Chinese government after the United States publicly condemned China's genocide of the Uyghurs.
"I feel flattered to be recognized by Communist China for calling out genocidal crimes against religious and ethnic minorities in the country," Manchin said about the sanctions.
According to Voice Of America, Manchin, together with USCIRF's vice chair Tony Perkins were prohibited by the Chinese Communist Party from visiting mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau, and must refrain from conducting business with Chinese individuals and organizations.
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken also backed Manchin and the human rights advocates she represents, condemning China's sanctions. He said, as per Politico, "Beijing's attempts to intimidate and silence those speaking out for human rights and fundamental freedoms only contribute to the growing international scrutiny of the ongoing genocide and crimes against humanity in Xinjiang."
The 2021 International Religious Freedom Summit is expected to hold meaningful discussions on religious persecution and put more pressure on China to address genocide accusations leveled at them on an international stage. The event is now open for registration.