Korean Scientists Investigate Meteor In Antarctica

Antarctica |

Antarctica |
(Photo : magne.tistory.com)Antarctica

According to Chosunbiz, Korean scientists working at the Jang Boko Science (Korean Polar Research Institute) Base in Antarctica announced they have discovered a meteorite. The research center reported that this was the largest meteorite that was ever found by Korean scientists. It was found at a location some 300 kilometers away from the base.

The Korean Polar Research Institute (KORPI) has begun exploring the Antarctic ever since the year 2006 and have embarked upon 8 expeditions. This expedition, a team of 4 led by Dr. Jong-Ik Lee, arrived at the Jang Boko base on the 7th of November, and their research there will continue until the 17th of December.

Scientists have shown great interest in meteorites for they believe they could find clues to the origin of the Earth by researching these specimens. Meteors found in Antarctica, they believe are the remains of small asteroids from the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars and these interest scientists most. 80 percent of meteorites held by Korean research institutes are said to be found in the Antarctic.

KORPI researchers are planning to analyze the most recent discovery with an electronic microscope and the results will be reported to the International Meteor Organization (IMO). Dr. Lee's team is also planning to search for traces of space dust near the location of the meteor's impact.

KORPI scientists will be continuing their research in Antarctica in their search for the origin of the Earth.