COVID policies led to a 20% to 25% increase in military suicides, and this could worsen the more the current administration continues its push to disregard th religious beliefs that military members have, a religious liberty group says.
Liberty Counsel, in an article in Charisma News, revealed that the number of service members and veterans who have committed suicide after 9/11 is four times more than the number who had been killed in action in the previous two decades.
It is projected that the number of religious service workers targeted by the Department of Defense (DOD) will continue to climb as a result of the atrocious measures used by Biden's Department of Defense (DOD).
A military chaplain represented by Liberty Counsel, referred to as Timothy, has been in the Navy for over 20 years. In all those years, Timothy said he has never seen such a terrible treatment of Christian soldiers by their own government and command system.
The chaplain revealed that those who apply for religious exemptions are being threatened with dishonorable discharge, the loss of all earned benefits and retirement, and even the risk of having to pay back tuition and training fees and travel expenditures from foreign stations. In fact, several of them have reportedly been threatened with military detention.
Chaplains like Timothy worry that the already alarming suicide rates would soar if they are forced to take the injections or face harsh penalty.
"There have been many tears shed in my office by Sailors affected by the COVID shot mandates who have been in distress over their moral dilemma to follow orders or to follow their spiritual convictions and sincerely held religious beliefs," noted Chaplain Timothy in his recorded statement.
As the chaplain puts it, "Almost every sailor who was faithful in attending chapel has also submitted religious accommodation requests regarding the COVID shot mandate in order to maintain his or her sincere religious beliefs."
During a court appearance last month, Charisma reported that the Department of Defense (DOD) revealed that no religious accommodation requests made by service personnel had been approved by the Biden administration.
Research conducted by the United States military and published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Cardiology confirmed that the COVID injections caused myocarditis and pericarditis in service personnel, both of which are potentially fatal cardiac disorders. The issue is particularly widespread among young males between the ages of 16 and 30 years old.
Consequently, military members are being pressed to choose between opposing God and jeopardizing their lives and sacrificing their livelihood, career, and liberty, the source added.
It doesn't matter to Joe Biden, however. His administration's irrational drive to inject a COVID "vaccine " on every limb has not waned in the slightest.
"This lawless push to put a needle in every arm is dangerous when compared to the effect COVID itself has had on the military," noted Liberty Counsel. "As of December 7, 2021, the Air Force has a survival rate of 99.9998% from COVID."
It's worth noting that, as Fox News reported last year, Biden criticized then-President Trump during a debate, saying that "anyone who is responsible for that many deaths should not remain as President of the United States of America."
Fast forward to today, COVID-19 has reportedly killed nearly 780,000 people in the United States, indicating that more have died from COVID under Biden's watch as compared to Trump's.