Noah's ark, exactly as specified in Bible, is being built in Kentucky, and could prove to be one of the greatest Christian attractions in the world.
The replica, as massive as the length of two football fields, and as high as five-storied building, is being constructed by a Christian ministry called Answers in Genesis, at an estimated cost of over $90 million dollars.
Ken Ham, CEO and President at Creation Museum, shared a video taken from a helicopter on his Facebook page, recording the construction of the mammoth project. The video starts with the parking area big enough to fit over 4,000 cars, then moves over to the shuttle road, and finally captures the Ark in making.
The life-size Noah's ark will be open to public by late summer of 2016, but visitors interested in catching the construction of the great spectacle can view the building in progress as well as the preparation of life-size animal replicas.
"Our guests will safely observe the Ark from a viewing spot just outside the actual hard-hat area. It will be their once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see an Ark being built, which will become the largest timber-frame building in the world," Ham said.
Ham added that the ark is being built to meet the "spiritual need" of individuals--"the need to come to know Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world"”because lives"”and eternity"”hang in the balance."
"The Ark Encounter will help us do that in a powerful, non-threatening way by simply sharing the truth of God's Word with visitors at the Ark concerning the historicity of Noah's Ark, the Genesis Flood, and other authentic accounts of history revealed in the Scriptures, including the account of redemption weaved throughout the Bible," Ham stated.