Richard Dawkins
The well-known atheist author Richard Dawkins who is most known for his book, The God Delusion, stated that it would be "immoral" to not abort a baby with Down syndrome. He said that even if it was his own child, he would "love her dearly" but that would not change his view that aborting such a child would be better.
The scientist said in a statement that he posted on a website that, "I have not the slightest doubt that, if I had a Down child, I would love her dearly. If I believed in God, I'd probably thank God she wasn't aborted, and I would sincerely mean it and deeply feel it. But that is a judgment in hindsight, and it is totally compatible with a statement that, if offered a similar choice now, I would be in favor of abortion. Totally compatible with a belief that abortion would be the right decision, in circumstances where such a decision was available."
Dawkins added that the children that all parents love are actual people with personalities and feelings. He essentially argued in the same statement on his blog that a fetus should not be considered as a person. He said that, "the bundle of cells she once was had no personality at the time when she might have been aborted. There was nothing to love there at that time."
As a result of the statement, the evolutionary biologist received a great deal of criticism especially from parents of children who have Down syndrome. They responded by posting pictures of their children on his website and telling him of the worthwhile lives they are living.
Some parents were more serious than others. Tim Skeleton, father of 16-year-old Jessica expressed great disappointment at Dawkins' views. His daughter Jessica had passed 6 GCSEs at a mainstream school despite suffering from Down Syndrome. He began by calling the scientist "Dawkins is an ignorant idiot sitting in an ivory tower." He added in an article published by The Mirror that, "Jessica's success is proof people with Down syndrome can live successful lives and I have no doubt she will work in the future and have a happy, independent and full life."
However it was not only parents of children with Down syndrome that were unhappy with Dawkins' statement. Fellow atheists also expressed criticism for the evolutionary biologist. One such atheist was David Harsnyi, senior editor of the magazine, The Federal. He asked, "A few years back Newsweek reported that 90 percent of women whose fetuses tested positive for Down syndrome choose an abortion. Only a small percentage of mothers even used the test back then. More do today. Soon many more will. It's not outlandish to believe parents will continue to terminate fetuses in large numbers. Once we have widespread eugenics, where will towering minds like Dawkins place limits? To those who can experience 'human feelings?'"
He even added that Dawkins "offers no scientific formula for when life is worth protecting that I can discern".